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Getting started

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When I first started telling people that I was going to build an airplane in my garage I received a great variety of responses. Some of my favorites are, “A model airplane right?” or “One that you can fly?” or “You’ll never get me in that thing!” or “Have you sincerely lost your mind?”. I assured all of my friends that yes indeed I am a pilot and have been for quite a long time and that I fully intend on flying in my airplane once complete. But there was still this lingering question of whether or not I was out of my mind. I’m still not sure yet. Depends on the day and how construction will go.

I am putting together this blog as a way of documenting this long journey that my family will be undertaking for a few reasons. One, it is an excellent way to fulfill the FAA’s requirement of documenting the fact that you indeed are the builder of your homebuilt aircraft (a requirement in order to obtain the ability to perform your own maintenance on your aircraft once it is complete). The other main reason is to share this story with anyone who wants to watch it unfold. Please feel free to drop by and watch my progress as it unfolds and help me laugh at myself when it isn’t going so well and celebrate with me when it is. I’m sure there will be ample opportunity for both occasions.


As far as media is concerned, I will post pictures along with all of my build stories to try and highlight what exactly it is that I am working on. I have the ability to incorporate some videos, but we will see how well I actually do at that. I’m trying to balance time spent actually building the plane with time spent documenting the building of the airplane.

Overall – I do hope you enjoy watching this journey. It should take a few years so hopefully we are all mutually entertained along they way!


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