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Checking out a finished RV

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Before I left town for my family reunion out in West Virginia, my great uncle Ronnie called to let me know that a guy he knows (and he knows EVERYONE in that county so that doesn’t narrow it down) built his own airplane and he’d like to take me over to see it. Obviously I accepted on the spot! He said it was a four place airplane but he wasn’t sure exactly what it was called be he was sure I’d like to see it. I had my suspicions that it was going to be an RV-10 and I wasn’t disappointed.

When I walked in the hangar door this beautiful image greeted me! It is jacked up under the left wing to address a fuel leak issue so I couldn’t sit in the fuselage at all, but I had no problem with that whatsoever. I was just thrilled to see it there at all. It was in magnificent shape! It truly made me pleased to see a 10 all put together like this.

Just another angle and another view of the plane. I just can’t emphasize enough how much fun it was to get to see this plane out here like this. There is one at the local airfield here too, but this run-in was totally unexpected and wonderful. I also got the chance to talk aviation for hours with with some of my mom’s cousins who are retired Air Force as well as retired airline pilots. Lots of stories that I could have listened to all day. Come to think of it – I did!

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