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Horizontal stabilizer match drilling

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Unfortunately it has been a while since I have made significant progress on the plane, but sometimes life gets in the way I suppose. It has been a busy travel week for work and also a stretch of inhumanely hot and humid weather that made it tough to work out in the garage for any period of time at all. All the same, I have made some real progress. Not that you can tell though… I’ll post a picture below but it will look exactly like the next few I will post I imagine. Just think about each and every single hole being match drilled, then moving all the clecos, then forgetting where you had all the clecos, and then going back and match drilling everything all over again to ensure that nothing was missed. Yeah. It was THAT kind of day.

A quick side note – these cradles to hold the stabilizer are an absolute necessity. I went over to my dad’s shop and he helped me fabricate these in just about an hour so that was pretty slick.

Anyways… Drill. Move cleco. Drill again. Repeat. Lesson learned. I think.

Total time today = 2 hours
Total time empennage = 53 hours
Total time aircraft = 53 hours

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