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Dimpling elevator parts

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If you haven’t locked on to a theme yet, stick with me, it’ll happen. What comes after priming? Dimpling of course! With Anne still being out of town and plenty of personal enthusiasm towards watching the eclipse today, I was only able to put a little bit of time into the plane today. I spent some time marking the parts again after the primer dried, then moving them back into the workshop, and sorting everything out for dimpling.

More fun with the DRDT2. I know I say this every time I pull it out, but I’m pretty glad I have this device. It has made dimpling the skins so much quicker and applies a uniform dimple depth and shape to every hole. In the time this device has saved me so far I think it has already paid for itself and I’m not even done with the empennage yet. I finished all four elevator skins as well as the counterbalance skins on the outboard ends of the elevators. I was also able to switch over to my squeezer and dimple all of the flanges of the leading edge spars. The progress is real!

Total time today = 2 hours
Total time empennage = 93.5 hours
Total time aircraft = 93.5 hours

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