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Awww… look at those dimples!

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Not a whole ton of work done this evening, and even less work done on exciting and unique titles for posts related to dimpling. But I’m sure both will come together someday in a miraculous way. Already rambling – off to a bad start here.

I was not able to get a ton of time in again, but I also continue to recognize the importance of consistency and just getting out there on a regular basis and keeping up the forward momentum and continue to use all of the building skills on a routine basis. Today’s skill was once again dimpling parts. I managed to get all of the skins done yesterday, so today was all about all of the ribs, spars, and well pretty much everything else except for the trailing edge inserts that need every hole countersunk on both sides. There was also some countersinking to do on the trailing edge spar for each elevator to create a flush surface for mounting the hinge for the trim tabs.

I made sure that I clearly marked the correct sides and number of holes that needed to be countersunk before even picking up my drill. Once I did end up getting my countersink bit ready, I did a few test holes to make sure I was dialed in since I’ve had a few problems with this in the past. I also made sure that I had a scrap piece of dimpled skin ready to spot check each hole to ensure that it is flush.

As you can see here, the skin sits flush against the spar indicating that I have a good looking countersink. Once I got all of the holes countersunk and then dimpled, I moved on to the individual ribs and knocked those out in almost no time at all. Next on the docket is countersinking both of the trailing edge inserts. Always a pleasure.

Total time today = 1.5 hours
Total time empennage = 95 hours
Total time aircraft = 95 hours

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