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More woodworking

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As I continue to rivet and get work done while waiting to order parts for a new elevator skin, I have been reading ahead in the manual as well. I noticed that I will need to once again construct some wood supports to exact specifications for the trim tabs. You know what that means – another trip to the wood shop! As always, my dad has the expert touch when creating this stuff for me and I’m pretty fortunate to have his skills to help me out on this stuff. Van’s wants you to create some wood forming blocks to help shape the trim tabs. I had a picture, but realized that I should probably not post it publicly as the design and shape is proprietary to Van’s. I decided to post the exciting stuff instead – the actual work!

Not too shabby is it? No real hours worked here – just a fun trip over to work with my dad. I suppose they count, but I’ll leave them out for now and throw them into the total later.



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