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Cubs win NLDS Game 2! (and a few brief rivets)

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As you can probably tell by the title, my priorities were elsewhere this evening. I didn’t get started on the elevators tonight until after the Cub game ended. Normally this isn’t a big deal, but after taking 2 of the first 3 from the Nationals, I could barely keep focused so I decided not to press my luck and just get a handful of rivets into the new skin.

There she is – looking all done up even better than the first time. I completed riveting in the cover plate as well as the first four ribs on the skin. I also spent about another half hour cleaning up my shop and getting organized for the final assembly of the elevators since I know I’ll need all of my workspace to accomplish that. All together it wasn’t much more than an hour of work tonight, but as I’ve mentioned in the past few days it has become about consistency. I want to keep a regular pace up as well as finish the elevators completely prior to leaving for vacation this weekend. So far so good!

Total time today = 1 hour
Total time empennage = 112 hours
Total time aircraft = 112 hours

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