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Ordered the wing kit!

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Not that you don’t know what wings are or where they are located, just go with me on this one.

I have been putting off the task of ordering the wings for a while for a few reasons. First, I have really struggled with whether or not to go Quick Build (QB) on the wing kit or not. I have sincerely enjoyed the building process so far (I get the humor here since my immediate preceding post was about my frustration with stringers… oh well) and I do not want to miss out on anything as I go along. On the other hand, the true reason for building the plane is to fly it and every day I spend building is another day I do not spend flying. I never entered into this with a firm deadline or a crushing sense of urgency nor do I think any builder does. You don’t just sit down one day and build an airplane. The QB kits come largely complete. The ailerons and flaps are built and the fuel tanks sealed and tested. This is pretty nice if you ask me. The cost, while seemingly significant on paper, does come out to an almost impossibly low dollar per hour figure that you are paying someone to complete this task. I’ve not seen any data comparing safety records of QB vs. standard, nor would I expect to.

In the end, I went with the QB today. Placed the order with Van’s and got an estimated shipping date of early March. This is perfect. It gives me plenty of time to finish up the empennage, get it stored, and get the garage hangar set up to make some wings.

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