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Rivet gun, I’ve missed you old friend

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After many months away, I have finally picked up my riveting tools again! I really enjoy the process of riveting, even if it is 10 rivets on a bellcrank. It makes the airplane become real and permanent. It begins to feel permanent. I did not have a lot of time to invest today, but as any builder will say, get out in the shop even if for just an hour. An hour is exactly what I had to offer today, so here we go.

Riveting together the bellcrank

I pulled out the pneumatic squeezer and popped these guys right into place. Quick and easy. And fun! Still not sure where this guy will end up though… But there you have it – one bellcrank made to order.


This particular part looks a bit more identifiable to me. There is a nice battery shaped pocket right in the middle whereby, should one feel so inclined, you can place a battery. All humor aside, I know there is much discussion on VAF about battery locations throughout the plane. I am not 100% sold on battery locations yet and I do know that this much weight this far aft comes with some tradeoffs elsewhere. Lots to consider moving forward.

Battery housing
Riveting together the battery housing

I am pleased with how all of the attachment plates turned out. Each of these little guys is a place for a screw or other device used to attach removable accessories from the aircraft. It will be a few days before I attach this part to the rest of the tailcone, but I will put it with the other semi-finished parts until then!

Total time today – 1 hour
Total time empennage – 169 hours
Total time aircraft – 169 hours

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