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Tailcone rivets? Sure, why not

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More tailcone rivets


This will likely be the most skewed post in history. I have one solitary image that covers 4 hours of work. Riveting. Ha!! See what I did there? Riveting? The pun? Okay – let’s wrap up this post because I’m pretty punchy at this point. That is also a good sign to put the rivet gun down as no more good can come from attempting progress tonight.

More tailcone rivets
Rivets, rivets, rivets

I riveted all the way down both sides of the tailcone. All of the stringers are now permanent parts of the tailcone. The odd cleco or two sticking out is related to instructions asking that you rivet the bulkheads in place later. Happy to oblige.

Total time today – 4 hours
Total time empennage – 177.5 hours
Total time aircraft – 177.5 hours

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