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I ordered my QB Wing Kit back in December 2017 and have been waiting patiently ever since. Well, as patiently as can be expected. There really is a lot to unpack here (literally and figuratively) so I will get started. First, I used Tony Partain for the shipping and it was far and away the right choice.

Full size semi truck for delivery

No, there were not any race cars on board this particular truck. Just RV parts. A lot of them. Obviously I live on a residential street and the truck had no problem orienting perfectly for the delivery. First of many impressive events.

The truck uses a crane to unload the parts

This truck uses a built in crane to offload the crates. The crate was lowered on to the dolly that was on the road deck. From there we just pushed it up the driveway and into the garage. Super easy.


The famous RV-10 wing cradles

It did not take much reading to come to the conclusion that these wing cradles really are the only way to go. I used some scrap lumber and carpet pieces and bought the rest from a local hardware store. All in, these could not have cost more than $40 to build.

The wings in their resting place for the time being

The wings fit perfectly. Compared to the empennage delivery, this was unbelievably smooth. Once I had the wings in the cradles, I spent about three hours doing the inventory and putting away completed pieces. Tomorrow I will be taking the crate to a local recycling center and then I will be done with everything in less than 24 hours.

Total time today – 8 hours
Total time wings – 8 hours
Total time aircraft – 191 hours

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