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The real riveting expert

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I have just about reached the extent of what I can back rivet on the tailcone. It was time to make a call to the bullpen. Fortunately my wife is an expert with a tungsten bucking bar and made quick work of this. Setting rivets in the angle sections can be challenging if not impossible without good help.

Bucking bar magician

Here she is with the bucking bar, ready to get at it. I know some builders reference how they build and who they feel they can build with. I am unbelievably fortunate that we work extremely well together. When we are building it is a great team and we always have fun.


The first passenger

We had to have some fun with this of course! She crawled down the length of the tailcone and was able to get exactly where she needed to be so that we could finish up some of the tough to place rivets. Once we were done working together, I stayed outside and finished up the last of the bulkhead rivets. Overall, a highly successful and fun day.

Total time today – 2 hours
Total time empennage – 185 hours
Total time aircraft – 193 hours

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