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Oshkosh 2018

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I must have started this blog post a half dozen times, each one more fruitless than the next. I find attempting to describe Oshkosh to anyone who has been a nearly impossible task. Oshkosh 2018 was absolutely no exception to this. The sights, the sounds, the air shows, the planes, the booths, the people… absolutely everything is wonderful. Except maybe the Scholler Showers. But then again, there is something magical about using a sink spray nozzle with 50 of your closest friends in a barn that just warms the soul. On with it then. Posts about Oshkosh without pictures are worthless. So here go.


The centerpiece early in the week. The B-1B Lancer came in and everyone took notice. I must admit, I’ve seen a few before, but I somehow always neglect to remember just how utterly amazing they are. One of the pilots even recounted a story (the declassified parts) of a mission in Iraq relating all of the capabilities of the aircraft. Impressive aviators and machines.

The ol’ Bent Wing Bastard. Hands down my favorite warbird. I love everything about it. The look. The sounds. The wings. You name it. This would not be a section on the planes without a picture of the F4U.


Aviation is amazing, and obviously we all love the machines. But ask any aviator and they’ll tell you the same thing. The people in aviation are what makes it so amazing. This group of RV-10 builders has been an online family for a while, but to meet everyone in person has been a dream come true. This crew is fantastic and I cannot wait until Oshkosh 2019 already!

Me on the main walkway at OSH.

Easy enough here. The AvGeek in his natural habitat. That dopey grin didn’t come off for probably two weeks after Oshkosh.

My small REI tent behind my truck - campsite for Oshkosh 2018.

I had to make my home almost in Illinois (not really – but I was on the FAR SOUTH end of Camp Scholler). It was quaint but I spent almost no time here. Why would I when there is so much to see and do!

Well there you have it. Oshkosh 2018. It was absolutely fantastic and I eagerly await Oshkosh 2019!

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