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Aviation family history

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I have been focusing more on flying lately than I have construction. I feel like that is the case with a lot of builders. Every time you hear someone overhead, you get jealous, put down the bucking bar, and go join them. In addition to flying, I have been studying aviation as well. Yes, at long last I have buckled up and am in hot pursuit of my instrument rating. As I have been studying, I pulled out some of my materials from when I got my Private back in 2000. Among the items was my grandfather’s E6-B from the 60s. Total time warp.

I lost my grandfather before I actually finished my Private. He was also a first rate tinkerer (what “kids these days” call Makers now I suppose). He could fabricate almost anything out of almost anything. I think perhaps more than anyone he would be the person most excited about the RV. Anyways, aviation runs deep. Here is the E6-B I mentioned. Back to hitting the books!

My grandfather’s E6-B from the 60s. I still have it.
Closeup of the E6-B from 1967.

Thanks for letting me ramble for a few posts here and there about something other than building. I think it helps to be honest about the process for anyone who happens to read these. Life happens. Everyone does, and should, set a goal for when they want to get their plane built. I’ve only met a handful of people who met their goal. I haven’t met a single person that cared. It just is. Build on and have fun!

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