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Riveting and wiring on the wings

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Daughter helping with clecos


Daughter helping with clecos
Eleanor helping place clecos on the flap gap fairings to prepare for riveting.

The best way I know how to prepare for riveting is by calling in the A-Team. My daughters love helping out with the plane, so anytime I can bring them along I do. Here, Eleanor is placing clecos into the aileron and flap gap fairings to prepare for riveting in place. I have the left wing out of the cradle and on a tabletop for wiring and the right wing is still in the cradle. I’ll rivet them in these locations as well.


Well, I suppose just riveting the flap and aileron gap fairings, but it is riveting all the same. This series of rivets went fast. I was able to squeeze the vast majority of these rivets. There really isn’t anything terribly exciting here, except that I enjoyed getting back to the task of riveting.

Row of rivets
Top row of wing skin rivets is placed for the gap fairings.
Wing rivets
Still looking good from the other side too!


It was an excellent day, and the work kept flowing. I set out to pull a few wires before I closed up shop for the day. I was able to pull all of the wires in the left wing for the ZipTips. I was also able to start labeling each wire as well. I’m using a system whereby I print labels on heat shrink tubing and attach them to each end of each wire. I am also keeping a separate wiring diagram, but this will serve as the failsafe in the case that I ever need to know what is going on inside of the plane.

This is the printer cartridge I used to make the sleeves for my wires.
Zoom view of wire labeling
I really enjoy my labeler that writes on heat shrink tubing. This, plus an accurate and updated wiring diagram, will hopefully serve me well as I continue the build.

Overall, this system should serve me well throughout the build. I look forward to seeing all of this come together quickly.

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