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Fuselage delivery day!

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airplane parts


I had to leave Oshkosh early this year, but I wasn’t all that sad about it. I received a call letting me know that my QB fuselage would be delivered this weekend. This is really exciting. This kit represents the end of the major metal work on the build. Not that I don’t have more to do, but this is the end of dimpling skins and ribs for riveting. There is certainly a ton of work left to do, and I’m not yet even approaching what most would consider halfway done, but the progress has been real and has felt great.

airplane parts
It is QB Fuselage delivery day!

I used Stewart Transport (used to be Tony Partain for those keeping score at home) for the delivery. Per usual, they were fantastic. It is a bespoke trailer used to strap down QB kits from Van’s as well as kit cars from a manufacturer out east. It saves some serious money on crating from Van’s, which is nice. Overall, I would highly recommend Stewart for delivery of all Quick Build kits.

nuts and bolts
The joys of counting nuts, bolts, and rivets in the fuselage inventory process.

Now on to the most thankless of tasks. Inventory. It was all there. Every last nut, bolt, rivet, and washer. I know some people have had issues with getting a complete set from Van’s, but I have had nothing but perfect luck with them. This is my third delivery and I have yet to submit for any missing parts.

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