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Left wing skin riveting

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left wing skin riveted on


I suppose I started adding subheadings so I could search and track individual efforts along the way. This is what led me to this rather uninspired heading. Oh well. My point is that I spent a good many hours riveting on the bottom skin on the left wing today and it was far from exhilarating. I only have one photo, the completed work. I think this is just fine honestly.

Overall, riveting the wing skins is a bit… acrobatic. I do not have overly long arms, but I was able to get the job done by myself. Van’s does a good job of mapping out the process and order of rivets, so as long as you follow their suggestions you should be able to gently bend and manipulate the skin so that riveting becomes challenging but perfectly doable.

left wing skin riveted on
Done at last – riveted on the bottom skin on the left wing.

Honestly, I am happy to have it done. I was putting it off for so long because it feels so permanent to cover up my wiring runs, but I ran out of excuses and just tossed it on today. Right wing is next!

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