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Status Update

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The entire purpose of this website is to serve as a build log for my RV-10 project. I have gone to great lengths to keep it focused on just that – the airplane. But as I sit down to write this update, I realize that any builder that comes along to review anything I’ve written here will likely experience similar setbacks as I have. Therefore, I wish to offer some insight as to the nature of my distractions. I have actually come to find that these little status update style posts from other builder logs have been quite helpful for me to read. So with that, here’s how I got sidelined for as long as I did, and my plans to return.


My kids. I’m joking! But they are getting older and my wife and I wanted to make sure they have space to grow into in our home. We have a large, but entirely unfinished basement that meets this need nicely. I put down my rivet gun and traded it for a framing nailer all summer long. As I was wrapping up this major project, a new COVID-related assignment was handed to me at work. I stepped in to long hours with little to no time left for anything but family and sleep. I am truly grateful for being able to make an impact during the pandemic, but it certainly cost all forward progress on the plane.


Throughout the winter, I have been slowly getting back up to speed on my plane. I would read a lot of builder logs, message boards, and talk with fellows builders about what options and ideas they had about their builds. I was able to make decisions on a fuel system (more on that soon), order my Finishing Kit, and slowly get back in the hangar. Now, I am preparing to to mate my empennage with my fuselage! I am sincerely looking forward to the permanent attachment of two major sections of the plane.

Well, that’s it. That is my status update for the long delay. Not too detailed or lengthy, but still an important acknowledgement that these things do happen to all (or at least most) of us. As we often say… Build on!


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