There are a ton of really impressive modifications that builders make on their RVs. At one point in my planning process, I wasn’t very discerning and compiled a list of nearly all of these. It became quite overwhelming. Fortunately, I took the time to sit down and really think about what would truly add value to me personally versus just add weight and look cool for a few hours of flight time before I wanted to cut it out with a torch. One such item that made the cut (pun intended) was a tunnel access panel in my fuselage (two actually). I will be putting in electronic ignition and injection and I would really like to have future access to the tunnel area between the pilot and co-pilot seats.
I purchased the tunnel access panel kit from AirWard. It came with everything you need to install the panels including some well-written instructions with images. The real trick was cutting the openings for the panels since I used a Quick Build fuselage. I tried a lot of ideas, but in the end a process emerged. I drilled 1/2″ holes in each of the four corners so that my jigsaw could gain access. I used the jigsaw for the top and sides as far as it would go. Then, I had to change techniques and move over to my Dremel. There is a picture below of the bit that worked really well to cut through the aluminum.

Once I got through, it was time for touch-ups. In the picture below, you can see a still-rough opening that hasn’t been straightened or cleaned up yet.

From here, it was just a lot of tedious placing of the cover panel, seeing where it didn’t line up, pulling it apart, and grinding away. In the end, it isn’t exactly a showplane access panel, but I’m happy. You won’t see it anyways. One tunnel access panel down, one to go.
Finally, there was one additional item to ensure a good clean fit. On the inside of the tunnel, there is an intersection that rubs against the access panel that needs to be pared down. A quick grind with the dremel and finish on the deburring wheel had it looking fantastic.

This was a nice distraction while I am waiting get a pair of hands to help me rivet the tailcone on to the fuselage.