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Finish Kit Day!

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Pile of packing materials


There have been a lot of supply chain disruptions in 2021 and I don’t think anyone has been unaffected. It is hard to complain when all I’m waiting for is airplane parts, but it sure felt good to see that finish kit roll in. I was originally given a crate date in early August, but obviously that came and went. Van’s was pretty excellent throughout the whole ordeal. They did not want these delays any more than I did that’s for sure.

Not much else to say about this one except I’m just that excited. There are a few backordered items, chief among them the powder coated engine mount. Lycoming is operating on an 1+ year backorder as well so I don’t think I’ll be needing the mount anytime soon.

My youngest daughter came to the hangar to help with uncrating and inventory. It is such good help to have smaller people you can toss in the crate with a drill and have start opening things for you. I think my favorite part was “letting” her count all of the small bags of nuts, bolts, washers, etc.

Girl using drill in shipping crate
Fun for the whole family! Also nice to have little ones that can fit inside the crate with a drill to help out.
Girl counting washers on a tabletop
It’s great to have help, especially with things like counting bolts and washers.
Pile of packing materials
So THIS is why it took so long to get… Kidding – but I’ll hand it to Van’s, their crating skills are top notch.

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