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Trim tabs and parts are in

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Plain and simple: fall has been crazy. I have loved almost every minute of it, but it has been packed. Lots of swimming events with the kids, heading out of town for long weekends, and just the usual kind of fun that we like to have in the late summer… Read More »Trim tabs and parts are in

Bring in the deburring experts

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It is always nice to be reminded of the reason you undertake a challenge such as building an airplane, and today was one of those days. Even in the face of monotonous deburring, having my family around to help out not only took the edge off (deburring pun! Boom!) but… Read More »Bring in the deburring experts

Elevator Day

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After a long week of not being able to put too much time into the plane, I was able to really hunker down this weekend and set my hands to the elevators. I was pretty much able to get them completely assembled and match drilled (but not the skins –… Read More »Elevator Day

Horizontal stabilizer deburring

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I think I will have built this plane three times over before I’ve actually completed it the first time. I had the entire HS clecoed together, match drilled, and ready to roll, except of course that it wasn’t riveted together. So naturally you have to take it all apart, deburr… Read More »Horizontal stabilizer deburring