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Tailcone Attach Part I

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STEP 1: CLECO IT ALL TOGETHER I have been waiting for this day for a long time. It is really quite exciting to see the whole length of the airplane (ok – minus the cowling but you get the idea) all stitched together. The tailcone attach process itself was not… Read More »Tailcone Attach Part I

Tailcone is stabilized

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ATTACHED THE VERTICAL STABILIZER Let’s get it out of the way. It’s a terrible pun. I own that. But I also own an airplane that has BOTH the horizontal and vertical stabilizers attached to the tailcone! At the same time! I am pretty excited about this. I am having a… Read More »Tailcone is stabilized

Putting some junk in the trunk

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STORING THE ELEVATORS Before I can begin attaching the horizontal stabilizer, I have to disassemble all of my hard work. As predicted. I removed all of the bolts and washers from the elevator horns and labeled them for location. I also removed both elevators and did the same with those… Read More »Putting some junk in the trunk

Elevator horns

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With both elevators attached and aligned, I match drilled and attached the elevator horns.

Mounted both elevators

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BALANCING THE LEFT ELEVATOR The first step today was removing the left elevator. Initially I thought this would be rather frustrating having just attached it in my previous session, but it came off easily. I’m certain I will do this at least a few more times. I moved the set… Read More »Mounted both elevators

Mounting the left elevator

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I mounted the left elevator to the HS for the first time and learned some important lessons along the way about alignment and clearance.

Empennage attach

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I spend some time re-organizing the garage to prioritize the empennage attach steps.

Back AFTer it

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Back in the workshop after Oshkosh to rivet more tailcone skins and put the aft deck in place on the tailcone.

The interior side of the static port attached to the tailcone.

New static port

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A DYNAMIC STORY ABOUT MY STATIC PORT See what I did there? Another terrible pun. Yes. Moving on. In my research and reading ahead in the instructions, I have come across what Van’s would like me to use for a static air source. While I know full well that anyone… Read More »New static port