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Major elevator work day

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PRIMING PREP Today was the kind of day that I have been looking forward to for a while. I have spent more days away from my plane than with it recently and am glad to begin trying to turn the tide on that. Well, minus vacation next week of course,… Read More »Major elevator work day

Trim tabs and parts are in

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Plain and simple: fall has been crazy. I have loved almost every minute of it, but it has been packed. Lots of swimming events with the kids, heading out of town for long weekends, and just the usual kind of fun that we like to have in the late summer… Read More »Trim tabs and parts are in

More woodworking

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As I continue to rivet and get work done while waiting to order parts for a new elevator skin, I have been reading ahead in the manual as well. I noticed that I will need to once again construct some wood supports to exact specifications for the trim tabs. You… Read More »More woodworking

Riveting what I can

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After the incident during back riveting a couple of days ago, I set back out to complete the remaining skins on the elevators, survey the damage to the skin one more time, and keep making forward progress on the elevator. I was able to successfully back rivet the remaining portions… Read More »Riveting what I can

Riveting the elevators

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After all that work match drilling, deburring, and priming it is time to get back to the really fun part – assembling it all permanently with rivets. This really is the fun part, if not the most challenging. You really do need to keep focused on the task at hand… Read More »Riveting the elevators

Dimpling elevator parts

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If you haven’t locked on to a theme yet, stick with me, it’ll happen. What comes after priming? Dimpling of course! With Anne still being out of town and plenty of personal enthusiasm towards watching the eclipse today, I was only able to put a little bit of time into… Read More »Dimpling elevator parts