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steps laying on fuselage

Fuselage modification day

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STAINLESS STEEL HEATER BYPASS BOXES As many builders do, I have read many other build logs and spoken personally with countless more. One of the changes I knew that I would immediately make on my fuselage was on the heater bypass boxes. These two valves sit against the firewall on… Read More »Fuselage modification day

Inside of fuselage

On to the fuselage!

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BUT FIRST, TO GET THE SHOP READY In order to move on to the fuselage, I had to move some items around in my hangar first. It was not a big deal at all. In fact, I kind of rather enjoyed getting a new look and feel after spending so… Read More »On to the fuselage!

airplane parts

Fuselage delivery day!

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QB FUSELAGE DELIVERY DAY HAS ARRIVED I had to leave Oshkosh early this year, but I wasn’t all that sad about it. I received a call letting me know that my QB fuselage would be delivered this weekend. This is really exciting. This kit represents the end of the major… Read More »Fuselage delivery day!