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Gretz pitot mast mounted

Finished up Gretz mast

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SIZING THE GRETZ PITOT MAST The Gretz pitot mast (linked here to Stein Air) comes with really good instructions. Follow them to save yourself some heartache down the line. There were just a few subtle items that I should have read twice that would have made my life easier. Oh… Read More »Finished up Gretz mast

Plate to align for the pitot mast

Pitot mast and distractions

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FIRST, THE PITOT MAST I have many things to discuss here, but let’s keep it about aviation for now. I went to the hangar (yes, saying this will NEVER get old) to continue work on the wings. My goal was to work on fitting the Gretz pitot mast to the… Read More »Pitot mast and distractions