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First run of pitot/AOA lines

Pitot/AOA lines and planning

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RUNNING THE PITOT LINES I had a bit of paralysis regarding running the pitot lines recently. I spent some time researching and planning every aspect of these lines. Finally, I settled on an exact length I wanted to use, how much extra to leave so I can remove the pitot… Read More »Pitot/AOA lines and planning

All tailcone parts primed and labeled

Prime day for priming

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ANOTHER PERFECT DAY One of the challenges of priming parts in Indiana is getting the weather to cooperate. At least I thought that would be the case. It turns out that patience pays and I was rewarded with a 60 degree day with clear sunny skies and zero wind for… Read More »Prime day for priming

Major elevator work day

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PRIMING PREP Today was the kind of day that I have been looking forward to for a while. I have spent more days away from my plane than with it recently and am glad to begin trying to turn the tide on that. Well, minus vacation next week of course,… Read More »Major elevator work day

Priming the elevator parts

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We had a gorgeous morning to prime today. I woke up with Anne as she had an early flight out and just headed down to the garage to get everything set up for spraying the primer. As always, one of the most time consuming and dirty tasks of priming is… Read More »Priming the elevator parts

Priming once again

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Here we go again with the primer! I think we are getting pretty good at it though. Still some problems to work through with measuring cups and dispensing from the cans, but so far it is going well. We have also trimmed the time down from marathon sessions to something… Read More »Priming once again

Priming and assembly

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Through the help of my dad (Prime King) we were able to divide and conquer a lot of work today. He was able to help me prime all the parts that attach to the two main spars of the horizontal stabilizer (doublers, etc.) and get them ready to rivet together.… Read More »Priming and assembly

Priming Party!

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Time to prime at long last! Today was the day that I was waiting for for over 2 weeks. In retrospect I am kind of glad it took this long because it enabled me to finish up all of the pieces for both the vertical stabilizer and the rudder. This… Read More »Priming Party!

Rudder Part 2

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I like the plan of moving on to the rudder so far – I think it has been a good call. In fact, it has been an excellent move because the replacement primer was supposed to arrive yesterday and UPS sent me a notice today saying that it was damaged… Read More »Rudder Part 2

Vertical Stabilizer – Part 3

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Well, let’s start with the disappointing news first. I’m pretty sure the primer (Akzo 463) should be INSIDE the can upon delivery… Yup – confirmed. It should be. I’m not missing any new concepts there. One additional note – this stuff is toxic. It literally smells like cancer. I cannot… Read More »Vertical Stabilizer – Part 3

Travel for work June 2-6

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No progress on the plane for a few days here, but I did take the time to do a lot of research into what other people have done during their builds to help with the overall feel and flow of the project. After watching countless videos and reading forums until… Read More »Travel for work June 2-6