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Vertical Stabilizer Assembly

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The first order of business on the night was to drill out my faulty rivet from yesterday. The drilling ended up going quite well, which is what I was most worried about. I didn’t want to over-drill the hole and make it too wide to accept a new rivet. That… Read More »Vertical Stabilizer Assembly

Dimples and first rivets

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I have to start by glowing once more about how well the priming turned out. Working with all these primed parts has been so easy and I am glad that I waited to dimple until after the priming. I can now see how everyone says it is more difficult to… Read More »Dimples and first rivets

Priming Party!

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Time to prime at long last! Today was the day that I was waiting for for over 2 weeks. In retrospect I am kind of glad it took this long because it enabled me to finish up all of the pieces for both the vertical stabilizer and the rudder. This… Read More »Priming Party!

Rudder – Part 4

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Only a few more hours of work to get the rudder finished up as far as I can before priming. I am still holding to my decision to not dimple until after the parts are primed so we will continue to see how that holds up after the first prime… Read More »Rudder – Part 4

Rudder – Part 3

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More match drilling of the skins today. I also just had a strong sense of deja vu here… As if I’ll be using the phrase “more match drilling….” more than a handful of times in the coming months. I’m sure I’m just imagining things. Another item on the docket today… Read More »Rudder – Part 3

Rudder Part 2

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I like the plan of moving on to the rudder so far – I think it has been a good call. In fact, it has been an excellent move because the replacement primer was supposed to arrive yesterday and UPS sent me a notice today saying that it was damaged… Read More »Rudder Part 2