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First Garmin Shipment

FIRST THINGS FIRST – DELAYS It has been well over a month since I have laid a finger on the plane. No excuses beyond everyone’s favorite “life got in the way.” Holidays, family vacation, kids out of school, weather. The usual. Perhaps I am also in what many builders experience… Read More »First Garmin Shipment

Stall Warning Access Hatch

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CUTTING OUT THE STALL WARNING ACCESS HATCH I had previously mentioned my desire to use both AOA and the stall warning system designed by Van’s. I will get to the AOA system soon enough, but today is about the stall warning system. The first step is to line up the… Read More »Stall Warning Access Hatch


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PACKING UP THE EMPENNAGE I have come to the realization that space is becoming a real issue. Continuing with the empennage assembly will only result in needing to disassemble it when I move to a hangar. I realize that this will happen no matter what and that I will also… Read More »CHANGING COURSE

Tailcone is stabilized

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ATTACHED THE VERTICAL STABILIZER Let’s get it out of the way. It’s a terrible pun. I own that. But I also own an airplane that has BOTH the horizontal and vertical stabilizers attached to the tailcone! At the same time! I am pretty excited about this. I am having a… Read More »Tailcone is stabilized

Putting some junk in the trunk

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STORING THE ELEVATORS Before I can begin attaching the horizontal stabilizer, I have to disassemble all of my hard work. As predicted. I removed all of the bolts and washers from the elevator horns and labeled them for location. I also removed both elevators and did the same with those… Read More »Putting some junk in the trunk

Elevator horns

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With both elevators attached and aligned, I match drilled and attached the elevator horns.

Mounted both elevators

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BALANCING THE LEFT ELEVATOR The first step today was removing the left elevator. Initially I thought this would be rather frustrating having just attached it in my previous session, but it came off easily. I’m certain I will do this at least a few more times. I moved the set… Read More »Mounted both elevators

Mounting the left elevator

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I mounted the left elevator to the HS for the first time and learned some important lessons along the way about alignment and clearance.