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The real riveting expert

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CALLING IN SOME BACKUP I have just about reached the extent of what I can back rivet on the tailcone. It was time to make a call to the bullpen. Fortunately my wife is an expert with a tungsten bucking bar and made quick work of this. Setting rivets in… Read More »The real riveting expert


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WING DELIVERY DAY IS FINALLY HERE I ordered my QB Wing Kit back in December 2017 and have been waiting patiently ever since. Well, as patiently as can be expected. There really is a lot to unpack here (literally and figuratively) so I will get started. First, I used Tony… Read More »WING DAY!

More tailcone rivets

Tailcone rivets? Sure, why not

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SO MANY TAILCONE RIVETS This will likely be the most skewed post in history. I have one solitary image that covers 4 hours of work. Riveting. Ha!! See what I did there? Riveting? The pun? Okay – let’s wrap up this post because I’m pretty punchy at this point. That… Read More »Tailcone rivets? Sure, why not

First skin rivets

Riveting the tailcone skins

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FIRST, PUT IT ALL BACK TOGETHER The time has come to reassemble the tailcone one last time. I will admit that this is probably my favorite part of the build process. I really enjoy seeing all of the primed parts coming back together to get riveted permanently. After riveting together… Read More »Riveting the tailcone skins

Aft bulkhead riveted together

I missed you too squeezer

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PNEUMATIC SQUEEZER IS THE TOOL FOR THE JOB I was able to get out for another hour tonight and get some more riveting done on the tailcone. I used my squeezer tonight for nearly all of the rivets I put in. The squeezer is a fantastic tool. In looking back,… Read More »I missed you too squeezer

Tailcone dimple

Dimple everything

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LABEL ALL OF YOUR PARTS I have always taken special care to make sure that all of my parts are labeled correctly. On priming day, I laid out paper mats and wrote the part numbers next to each piece. This way, I could keep track of each and every part,… Read More »Dimple everything

All tailcone parts primed and labeled

Prime day for priming

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ANOTHER PERFECT DAY One of the challenges of priming parts in Indiana is getting the weather to cooperate. At least I thought that would be the case. It turns out that patience pays and I was rewarded with a 60 degree day with clear sunny skies and zero wind for… Read More »Prime day for priming