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More tailcone rivets

Tailcone rivets? Sure, why not

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SO MANY TAILCONE RIVETS This will likely be the most skewed post in history. I have one solitary image that covers 4 hours of work. Riveting. Ha!! See what I did there? Riveting? The pun? Okay – let’s wrap up this post because I’m pretty punchy at this point. That… Read More »Tailcone rivets? Sure, why not

First skin rivets

Riveting the tailcone skins

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FIRST, PUT IT ALL BACK TOGETHER The time has come to reassemble the tailcone one last time. I will admit that this is probably my favorite part of the build process. I really enjoy seeing all of the primed parts coming back together to get riveted permanently. After riveting together… Read More »Riveting the tailcone skins

Aft bulkhead riveted together

I missed you too squeezer

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PNEUMATIC SQUEEZER IS THE TOOL FOR THE JOB I was able to get out for another hour tonight and get some more riveting done on the tailcone. I used my squeezer tonight for nearly all of the rivets I put in. The squeezer is a fantastic tool. In looking back,… Read More »I missed you too squeezer

Tailcone dimple

Dimple everything

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LABEL ALL OF YOUR PARTS I have always taken special care to make sure that all of my parts are labeled correctly. On priming day, I laid out paper mats and wrote the part numbers next to each piece. This way, I could keep track of each and every part,… Read More »Dimple everything

All tailcone parts primed and labeled

Prime day for priming

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ANOTHER PERFECT DAY One of the challenges of priming parts in Indiana is getting the weather to cooperate. At least I thought that would be the case. It turns out that patience pays and I was rewarded with a 60 degree day with clear sunny skies and zero wind for… Read More »Prime day for priming

Tail end of the tailcone

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FIRST – THE WEATHER To quote Ferris Bueller, “How could I be expected to go to school on a day like this?” Well, for me it is work, but all the same it was 75 degrees and sunny on President’s Day in Indiana this year. It felt great to roll… Read More »Tail end of the tailcone