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Pile of packing materials

Finish Kit Day!

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UNCRATING THE FINISH KIT There have been a lot of supply chain disruptions in 2021 and I don’t think anyone has been unaffected. It is hard to complain when all I’m waiting for is airplane parts, but it sure felt good to see that finish kit roll in. I was… Read More »Finish Kit Day!

Inside of fuselage

On to the fuselage!

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BUT FIRST, TO GET THE SHOP READY In order to move on to the fuselage, I had to move some items around in my hangar first. It was not a big deal at all. In fact, I kind of rather enjoyed getting a new look and feel after spending so… Read More »On to the fuselage!

Moving van packed with airplane parts

Moving day

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LET’S START WITH A TRUCK I thought it would take more time and planning, but I was wrong. Moving day is here. Perhaps a bit more thought was merited, but I had a day off and my dad was available to help so we put a square peg in a… Read More »Moving day