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lube and rolo flare

I have a flair for flaring

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ROLO-FLAIR TOOL AND SOME BOELUBE I have stated many times that I am a strong believer in having the right tools for the job. This post continues that thread. The tools I am referencing here are the Parker Rolo-Flair tool and a good lubricant I use – Boelube. I was… Read More »I have a flair for flaring

airplane parts

Fuselage delivery day!

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QB FUSELAGE DELIVERY DAY HAS ARRIVED I had to leave Oshkosh early this year, but I wasn’t all that sad about it. I received a call letting me know that my QB fuselage would be delivered this weekend. This is really exciting. This kit represents the end of the major… Read More »Fuselage delivery day!

Gretz pitot mast mounted

Finished up Gretz mast

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SIZING THE GRETZ PITOT MAST The Gretz pitot mast (linked here to Stein Air) comes with really good instructions. Follow them to save yourself some heartache down the line. There were just a few subtle items that I should have read twice that would have made my life easier. Oh… Read More »Finished up Gretz mast

First run of pitot/AOA lines

Pitot/AOA lines and planning

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RUNNING THE PITOT LINES I had a bit of paralysis regarding running the pitot lines recently. I spent some time researching and planning every aspect of these lines. Finally, I settled on an exact length I wanted to use, how much extra to leave so I can remove the pitot… Read More »Pitot/AOA lines and planning

Plate to align for the pitot mast

Pitot mast and distractions

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FIRST, THE PITOT MAST I have many things to discuss here, but let’s keep it about aviation for now. I went to the hangar (yes, saying this will NEVER get old) to continue work on the wings. My goal was to work on fitting the Gretz pitot mast to the… Read More »Pitot mast and distractions

Moving van packed with airplane parts

Moving day

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LET’S START WITH A TRUCK I thought it would take more time and planning, but I was wrong. Moving day is here. Perhaps a bit more thought was merited, but I had a day off and my dad was available to help so we put a square peg in a… Read More »Moving day

GAP 26 unit placed on left wing rib

Pitot/AOA bonanza

DRILLING THE AOA LINE HOLES The QB wings come with one wire run and one tubing run for a pitot tube. These are perfectly sufficient for safe flight and completion of a beautiful RV-10. In addition to these runs, I intend to add one for an AOA system that is… Read More »Pitot/AOA bonanza

aileron and flap gaps clecoed in place

A gap before the flap gaps

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THE FLAP AND AILERON GAPS It is time to get focused on finishing up these wings. It is fairly difficult to make excuses when the wings come over 90% built already. I have been spending a fair piece of time continuing to work on design aspects, wire runs, and things… Read More »A gap before the flap gaps