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This is the RV-10 fiberglass cabin top laid upside down on a padded workbench.

Top of the cabin top to you

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PREPARING TO ATTACH THE CABIN TOP Once again, we come across competing schools of thought in the RV-10 universe of builders. I have seen some people prepare their cabin tops prior riveting on the forward fuselage. The instructions provided from Vans have you rivet everything in place prior to sizing… Read More »Top of the cabin top to you

aluminum sheet on a drill press

Fuel System Part 1

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LAYING OUT THE FUEL SYSTEM If you’ve read even one post or story on building experimental aircraft then you know about the battle over ignition and injection systems. One camp believes that magnetos have been and will always be the way to go. Some people move in other directions. I… Read More »Fuel System Part 1

baggage door view from the inside of the plane

You think YOU have baggage…

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BUILDING THE BAGGAGE DOOR The baggage door is not a complex piece to construct. After all of the metal fabrication and rivets that brought me to this point, this was not supposed to be difficult. A few angles of aluminum bracing, small lock mechanism, front and back skins, done. That… Read More »You think YOU have baggage…

Black rudder pedals installed in plane

Rudder Pedals

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CONTROL APPROACH RUDDER PEDALS There are many reasons why I am swapping out my rudder pedals. The simplest of course is “because I want to.” I have opted for the Control Approach rudder pedals for my plane. The design is incredible and I certainly consider it an upgrade over the… Read More »Rudder Pedals

Pile of packing materials

Finish Kit Day!

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UNCRATING THE FINISH KIT There have been a lot of supply chain disruptions in 2021 and I don’t think anyone has been unaffected. It is hard to complain when all I’m waiting for is airplane parts, but it sure felt good to see that finish kit roll in. I was… Read More »Finish Kit Day!

Tunnel Access Panel

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THE NEED There are a ton of really impressive modifications that builders make on their RVs. At one point in my planning process, I wasn’t very discerning and compiled a list of nearly all of these. It became quite overwhelming. Fortunately, I took the time to sit down and really… Read More »Tunnel Access Panel

Tailcone Attach Part I

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STEP 1: CLECO IT ALL TOGETHER I have been waiting for this day for a long time. It is really quite exciting to see the whole length of the airplane (ok – minus the cowling but you get the idea) all stitched together. The tailcone attach process itself was not… Read More »Tailcone Attach Part I